
专题追踪 | 国际绿色创业研究前沿

郑若愚 志阳创谈




  • 通过绿色创业实现可持续发展:基于制度的视角

  • Pursuing sustainable development through green entrepreneurship: An institutional perspective

  • 实现绿色:对于绿色创业经济与管理的新观点

  • Born to be green: new insights into the economics and management of green entrepreneurship

  • 共享经济中的绿色创业:基于多重制度逻辑

  • Green entrepreneurship in the sharing economy: utilising multiplicity of institutional logics

  • 绿色是新型黄金吗?风险资本与绿色创业

  • Is green the new gold? Venture capital and green entrepreneurship

  • 绿色创业与商业模式:驱动绿色技术商业模式

  • Green entrepreneurship and business models: Deriving green technology business model archetypes


Pursuing sustainable development through green entrepreneurship: An institutional perspective



Pursuing sustainable development through green entrepreneurship has been advocated, conceptualized, and empirically examined in the recent environmental management and entrepreneurship literature. However, green entrepreneurs are embedded in institutional environments that may discourage them from embracing sustainable development because of the “paradox of embedded agency.” How can a firm over come the liability of such an agency issue and escape what has become known as a “green prison”? This study proposes that, because international venturing exposes firms to foreign institutions, it provides them with opportunities for institutional learning. Thus, we examine how international venturing influences green entrepreneurship which, in turn, impacts firm performance. Specifically, based on institutional theory, this study develops a firm-level green entrepreneurship framework with three dimensions: green initiatives (a firm's active adoption of green practices), received government green support (benefits that a firm gains from the government by adapting to governmental incentives, programs, and policies related to green practices), and green political influence (a firm's attempts to influence legislation that enacts laws, rules, and regulations related to green practices). The results obtained by analyzing 152 firms that engage in international venturing activities and 151 firms that do not show that international venturing is positively associated with green initiatives and government green support while these two factors further directly enhance firm performance and mediate the effects of international venturing on performance.




Zhao M., Liu J., Shu C., 2021, “Pursuing sustainable development through green entrepreneurship: An institutional perspective”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(8), pp. 4281~4296.


Born to be green: new insights into the economics and management of green entrepreneurship



While the number of green start-ups has steadily increased around the world in response to the environmental problems demanding immediate solutions, there are several unresolved questions on the behaviour and performance of such ventures. The papers in this special issue shed light on these issues by underscoring the role of several factors, such as industry life cycles, knowledge spillovers, institutions, and availability of external finance, in shaping decision-making and firm behaviour in green start-ups. This paper highlights the state-of-the-art developments in the literature, discusses the key contributions of the papers put together in this special issue, and presents a future research agenda for scholars interested in green entrepreneurship.




Demirel P., Li Q.C., Rentocchini F., et al., 2019, “Born to be green: new insights into the economics and management of green entrepreneurship”, Small Business Economics, 52(4), pp. 759~771.


Green entrepreneurship in the sharing economy: utilising multiplicity of institutional logics



The green potential of the sharing economy to exploit underutilised or redundant resources has generated a considerable interest and expectations on the part of government institutions, investors and consumers. Alongside the emerging green logic, more established economic and social logics appear to be critical for growth of sharing platforms. Applying an institutional logics approach, this paper investigates how entrepreneurial teams in the sharing economy deal with this complexity of expectations of various constituents and institutions. Based on 30 semi-structured interviews with founders and executives of UK sharing platforms, we examine the strategies used by entrepreneurial teams to utilise and combine the green logic with other institutional logics present. The results demonstrate that sharing platforms are able to grow via utilising the green logic together with the economic and social logics in a flexible manner, applying complexity reducing and complexity absorbing strategies as well as temporal adjustments in the use of logics.




Grinevich V., Huber F., Karataş-Özkan M., et al., 2019, “Green entrepreneurship in the sharing economy: utilising multiplicity of institutional logics”, Small Business Economics, 52(4), pp. 859~876.


Is green the new gold? Venture capital and green entrepreneurship



We test whether born-to-be-green represents a signal toward potential venture capital (VC) investors on a sample of Italian, independent, unlisted, high-tech entrepreneurial firms. We employ several identification strategies by controlling for the major potential signals and the alleged selection bias between green and nongreen entrepreneurs. We exploit firm-level information about the Bactive search for VC financing. Alternatively, we exploit the cross-local community variation in the awareness about environmental issues in an instrumental variable setting. Our results show that neither running a business based on green technologies nor positioning a business in a green sector per se are strongly correlated with the likelihood to get VC. Instead, we find that born-to-be-green can be a reliable signal for investors only when entrepreneurs perform activities based on green technologies/products and position their business in a green sector, at the same time. Further, we present three contingencies that moderate the association between green business propositions and the likelihood to get VC, namely the technical/scientific education of the founder(s), the origin of the firm as academic spin-out, and the presence of corporate shareholders into the venture’s equity. The paper offers relevant managerial implications.




Mrkajic B., Murtinu S., Scalera V.G., 2019, “Is green the new gold? Venture capital and green entrepreneurship”, Small Business Economics, 52(4), pp. 929~950.


Green entrepreneurship and business models: Deriving green technology business model archetypes



Discourses advocating a focus on green technologies that promote ecological sustainability are changing the business environment signifificantly. Despite its contribution to transforming contemporary business practices in an ecologically sustainable manner, there is not enough information on the various types of green technologies and their applications. Therefore, it is essential to identify and classify business models that focus on green technologies, in order to promote the creation and establishment of these technologies. Although the literature on green technology business models has gained increasing attention during the past decade, the multidisciplinary research on this growing phenomenon is still nascent and fragmented. Particularly, there is no overarching green technology business model framework that integrates the existing approaches and provides an understanding of their practical implications and future research prospects. Here, we present the fifirst study to address this gap by incorporating the three pillars e the ecological environment, technology, and entrepreneurship. This study proposes a novel typology of green technology business models by outlining twelve distinctive business model archetypes based on two relevant concepts, namely, the sustainable business model archetypes and technological entrepreneurship activities. This framework is underpinned and illustrated by a variety of relevant green technology solutions that the authors have identifified through a systematic review of existing, empirically grounded literature on the subject. The authors believe that this framework would be useful for future research on policy making based on cleaner production.




Trapp C.T.C., Kanbach D.K., 2021, “Green entrepreneurship and business models: Deriving green technology business model archetypes”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 297, pp. 126694.


- 供稿/编辑:郑若愚|审核:孙孟子 -



